Guy Smith wrote...
Has anyone else hit the logging limit for Image?
A couple of months ago, during unusual circumstances, we reached the limit on
the number of processes that can open an Image database that is being logged
(i.e., number of processes per user logging process which is 1140).  After the
panic, I gauged our nominal usage and growth patterns, and have concluded we
might reach the limit on normal circumstances soon.
HP is still considering our request to expand this, but they report that no
other shop has requested the limit be increased. Discussions concerning our
request have raised several questions in my alleged mind:
1) Has anyone else hit this limit, and how did they work around the problem?
Back in the old MPE/V days, when the limit was more like 128 (or so, I for
get exactly), we were in the position to design the app around the limit:
(A) Make sure that programs that do not need update access to the database
    did a DBOPEN in READ ONLY mode. This reduced the logging activity.
(B) Originally, all databases in the app were tied to the same LOGID.
    This was changed to have DBs go to different LOGIDs when possible.
These 2 helped us long enough to get to MPE/XL or MPE/iX as the case may be.
I know of no other ideas short of having people take longer vacations.
Elbert S