"Paul H. Christidis" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>On more than one occasion the following has occurred:
>No processes matched any specification. (CIERR 11504)
>:redo sh
>An invalid pointer was detected by VIRTUAL SPACE MANAGEMENT.
>Virtual Space Management message 31
>An invalid pointer was detected by VIRTUAL SPACE MANAGEMENT.
>Virtual Space Management message 31
>An invalid pointer was detected by VIRTUAL SPACE MANAGEMENT.
>Virtual Space Management message 31
>NM SYS   a.00a1e314 dbg_abort_trace+$24
>NM PROG  244.00006e9c handle_recover+$64
>CPU=29. Connect=275. THU, AUG 31, 1995,  1:17 PM.
>Any ideas?
"SHOWPROC" will only return information about "LIVE" processes. While
you received no data the first time or two, that does not mean the
session did not exist. It probably means the process was terminating.
Subsequently, you got an error and the CI aborted because the
session/process the command was looking at terminated after pointers
to its data structures had been gathered.
There have been various problems with SHOWPROC since day one but
most have been fixed. I suggest you contact the RC and have them/us
investigate it. Chances are there is a patch for this.
                            --Pete Crosby
* "Arguing with an Engineer is like mud-wrestling a pig. Pretty soon   *
*  you realize the pig likes it"  -author unknown                      *
*                                                                      *
*  Note: my comments are my own and do not reflect the views of my     *
*        employer or necessarily anyone else.     [log in to unmask]       *