Chris Bartram wrote:
> Not related to the ALLBASE thread, but having just experimented with the
> DDX capability for the first time, I found it confusing (and a bit misleading)
> that the DBINFO intrinsics return the "current capacity" rather than the
> "maximum capacity". QUERY reporting the (current capacity) as the dataset
> capacity also seemed misleading. It seems to me that the "current capacity"
> should be invisible to users and applications; the only "true" capacity is
> the maximum (at least where DDX is enabled). If the intrinsics returned the
> maximum capacity (dbinfo mode 202) instead of the current capacity, I think
> there'd be alot less confusion. After all, if an app checks the capacity of
> the dataset, what it needs to know is "is there room for more entries"; it
> shouldn't care that an expansion may have to take place (since that happens
> transparently anyway).
I have mixed feelings about this.  The maximum capacity is in a sense
theoretical.  It is the capacity the dataset could grow to if it is
not impeded by disc space shortages, group space restrictions and the like.
But you are right that tools like Query do not provide the full story.
If I had my druthers, I'd leave the intrinsics be and have common utilities
report both the current and maximum capacities.  This would provide all
necessary information as well as remind me what datasets I have configured
for automatic expansion and how big they might become.
Guy Smith                                Voice:  804-527-4000 ext 6664
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