In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:
> Hi all,
> *Jim Wowchuk* calls the shot.
> I'm enclosing 2 of 9 emails i got in response to my suggestion
> that i wear an Angles baseball cap to the Interx lunches so us
> HP Netizines can rondevous and put a face on the name. (and jim
> needs all the face connections he can make being from
> DownUnder, ie can't see us US'ers as much as he might like)
> *WEAR ANY CAP AT ANY LUNCH*  and we'll recognize each other.  reminds
Hope we don't throw a wrench into this, but we give out "NetMail"
baseball caps at the Interex shows, and we'll be bringing a couple hundred
"NetMail/Toronto/Interex 95" baseball caps this year... Course, we'll be
happy to wear our hats to lunch! :-) And we're all net-geeks anyway...
(You'll recognize us, we'll be the ones in the hats! :-) )
                          -Chris Bartram
  Chris Bartram        Sales (US):   800 Net-Mail    Fax:+1 916 622-0738
   ______              -or-       +1 916 622-0630 E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
  /__ |  \__________   Sales (Europe):+44(0480)414131 Fax:+44(0480)414134
 /  / | / ________     Sales (Pacific Rim):+61 3 489 8216 (same for fax)
|  /_ |<  ______       Tech Support:+1 703 569-9189  Fax:+1 703 451-3720
 \ __)| \ ___          E-mail: [log in to unmask]   Personal(me): [log in to unmask]
  \______/ Associates  6901 Old Keene Mill Rd Suite 205 Springfield VA 22150
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