Hi all,
*Jim Wowchuk* calls the shot.
I'm enclosing 2 of 9 emails i got in response to my suggestion
that i wear an Angles baseball cap to the Interx lunches so us
HP Netizines can rondevous and put a face on the name. (and jim
needs all the face connections he can make being from
DownUnder, ie can't see us US'ers as much as he might like)
this *will work* and be Waaay-Cool.  i was not excited bout bringing
attention to myself by wearing a cap in-doors, but.... if we
all do it we are *a power*.  we gain recognition and might in
the long-run augment the INTEREX advocacy group as a visible
power for change.  OH NO, that was  an ac*&^% flash back, i lapsed
back into my hippie street activist days.  we are not looking for
power here, just to rub elbows.
So.... read the enclosed Emails below and:
*WEAR ANY CAP AT ANY LUNCH*  and we'll recognize each other.  reminds
me of the stories in the bible bout christians (read catholics)
drawing the fish sign in the sand for recognition.  also, if we
really get into this, we can wear caps the whole time.  next year
we can have identical caps made up ahead of time.  my suggestion
for the text on the cap (we have a year to debate this) is:
HP3K's Kick Ass  (i sure i'm i can get HP to pay for those caps).
The reason for the "any hat suggestion" is because this is this
an international conference and not all countries have
baseball teams....
___________ HERE ARE THE EMAIL' I'M ENCLOSING ___________________
At 02:09 AM 26/7/95 GMT, Jerry Bostick wrote:
>*i got it*.
>unless someone comes up with another idea, (i'm not really
>excited bout doin this, but..) in honor of how well my baseball
>team is doing (the fabo LA Angles) i'll wear one of my Angle's
>caps at each lunch (Tues/Thur) and i'll try to be early in the
Hey, why not have everyone bring their favourite hat?  As you say, its
unusual enough for a single person to be wearing a cap indoors at lunch, but
a whole crowd...who could miss it?  Call it "The Mad-cap 'Netters Lunch"?
And a light cap is easy enough to stick in your Interex showbag each day.
Perhaps those doing booth duty, with out the need to lug 1,001 things may
care to bring a more glamourous chappeau!
Jim "seMPEr" Wowchuk           Internet:    [log in to unmask]
Vanguard Computer Services     Compu$erve:  100036,106
 _--_|\                        Post:        PO Box 18, North Ryde, NSW 2113
/      \                       Phone:       +61 (2) 888-9688
\.--.__/ <---Sydney NSW        Fax:         +61 (2) 888-3056
      v      Australia
From: Rich Trapp <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: HOW to get together @ INTEREX
X-To: [log in to unmask] (Jerry Bostick)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 21:31:38 MDT
Cc: [log in to unmask] (HP3000 Discussion Group)
X-Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
X-UIDL: 806892767.001
How 'bout we all wear our favorite BaseBall hats?  The Rockies are
doing nicely too!
________ Dynamic Information Systems Corp.   |
\!DISC / Rich Trapp                          | My opinions are my own.
 \    /  OMNIDEX Product Manager - IMAGE/SQL | With any luck they're
  \  /   Phone : 303 444-4000                | correct ;-)
   \/    E-mail: [log in to unmask]                |
Former Hughes Aircraft employee, NOW  \\|//  an Outsourcee 4 CSC
+-----------------------+My opinions  |O-O|  are JUST THAT !!!
| Jerry Bostick         +----------oOO-(_)-OOo-----------------+
| Computer Systems Engineer Specialist, Senior                 |
| Computer Sciences Corp.  work tel.:   714 441-6975           |
| PO Box 3310              work fax.:   714 732-2070           |
| Fullerton, Ca. 92635   work-e-mail: [log in to unmask] |
| USA                    home-e-mail: [log in to unmask]   |
| *HOME PAGE*: http://www.earthlink.net/free/jbostick/webdocs/ |