In a message dated 95-07-31 14:27:24 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Stan Sieler)
>Steve writes:
>> There are problems in the 5.0 push with both the Measurement
>> Interface and with store.  The measurement interface problem
>Gee...makes me even more glad that the SHOT Nugget doesn't use the MI!
>Seriously, SHOT avoids the MI because using the MI is like paying
>VAT taxes: you rarely notice them, but they eat up up to 40% of your
>resources (sometimes more).
>BTW, I still recommend owning an MI-based performance tool in addition
>to a non-MI tool.  Be sure to check out Lund's SOS.
I'm at the point from my experience to support Stan's comments 100%.
I have experience continuous problems with the MI since its implementation.
The problems started pre-1.0 and have continued through every release
including 5.0.
The performance issues described by Stan are very real and easily proven.
The busier the system (when you need more capacity) the more it cost you
to execute products that use the MI.
Steve Cole
Outer Banks Solutions