Let me reiterate a sticky question still outstanding (since I haven't seen
an answer yet):
On Wed, 26 Jul 1995 13:04:05 -0400 Chris Bartram said:
>Our s/w contract
>coordinator says they're both required or we won't get any "updates" to the
>software... To quote the quotation:
>Product Description                   Qty     Software Product Number
>-------------------------------       ---     ------
>HP 3000 MPE/iX Developer's Kit         1      36430A
>HP C/iX compiler.                      1      31506A
>We, like Jeff, also originally bought the C/iX compiler and later "swapped"?
>for the (no cost difference) developers kit. Can anyone in HP-land confirm
>that if we drop the C/iX compiler from the list, we [WILL]|[WILL NOT] receive
>updates to it(the compiler) with only the developers kit on maintenance.????
When you get the 36430A Developer's Kit, you get a "trade-in credit" on your
31506A C/iX compiler, so I would certainly HOPE you don't have to pay for
a product that you "traded in".  I meant to check our contracts but forgot,
will let you know tomorrow.  Also since our contracts are being revised for
renewal, I should (maybe) get a straight answer.
>                     inquiring minds need to know,
                         You got that right!
>                          Chris Bartram
                           & Jeff Kell
                          (among others)