HP3000 List Readership,
A week ago (or so) someone commented that Uniface 6 (the latest version)
did not seem to run well on MPE.  This didn't seem correct to me based
on my reading on a Uniface Listserv, so I asked them the question.  The
following is the response I got.  We are not using the most resent version
but are using Uniface as a cross platform (dare I say client/server)
development environment for Windows, Mac, HP3000 and HP9000 and it
works fine.
A note on the following: v6, 61d, 52g/g2 are all Uniface version references
and polyserver is a network driver.
FWIW ...
> Uniface / HP3000 users,
> The following was posted to the HP3000 listserv (forwards have been removed
> to protect the ...).  It seems to me that several of you are running v6 on
> MPE with no more (or less) problems than anybody else.  Would any of you
> care to provide me with some feedback (or resond directly on the HP3000-L)?
We have been using Uniface 61d to access our HP-3000's via polyserver for
a couple of weeks (HP3k Series 955 MPE/iX 4.0).  We have a TurboIMAGE based
repository and uobj and have had no problems to date.  I have also read and
written to application data in TurboIMAGE databases on the HP3k and Oracle 7
DBMS on the HP-9000.  I haven't run any applications other than the IDF
in character mode on the HP-3000, but it seems to work OK.  So far I have
had fewer problems with 61d than I had with 52g/g2, except that Global Updates
of form fields do not seem to work very well.  Has anyone else run into these:
[snipped specific of the global update problems]
Bill Shaver     Email: [log in to unmask]     Phone: (206) 881-4484