>On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Jerry Bostick wrote:
>> *i got it*.
>> unless someone comes up with another idea, (i'm not really
>> excited bout doin this, but..) in honor of how well my baseball
>> team is doing (the fabo LA Angles) i'll wear one of my Angle's
>> caps at each lunch (Tues/Thur) and i'll try to be early in the
>What happened to solidarity?  I thought all of us So Cals were
>suppose to boycott baseball this year.  It was working until the
>Indians came to town.  :)
>--- John Joerger  ([log in to unmask])  ---  Press-Telegram (Long Beach)
It is still working for me.  Maybe even for Jerry since his team now is
the *Angles*??
Paul Christidis