According to Guy Smith:
> Wondering Aloud (quick, name the band):  What are the issues
> involved in making CI execute programs line sh?
This sounds good to me, too.
There is already somthing like this OpenDesk - use the exe command
and it will take a program name and anything after that is passed
as the info string of the program. HP might have some history on
how supporting this has worked out in OpenDesk. I believe that
if you put a number first, it is passed as the PARM value (but only
if it is first right after the program name).
-- - - - Speaking for myself and not necessarily anybody else - - - - - -
Richard Gambrell        | Internet: [log in to unmask]
Mgr. Tech. Services     | POT:      504-483-7454     FAX: 504-482-1561
Xavier University of LA | Smail:    7325 Palmetto, New Orleans, LA 70125