Geoff writes:
> MAKECAT   OPENED           1   PROGEN.PUB.SYS            INPUT        0
>      There is no "PROGEN.PUB.SYS" (at least not anymore).
There may not be a program file called "PROGEN.PUB.SYS", but process
1 has the text "PROGEN", "PUB", "SYS" in the Process Management
data structures where the program name is stored (PIBX).  Thus, the SHOT
Nugget and MPEX, and :SHOWPROC 1;SYSTEM and some others, report pin 1 as
"PROGEN.PUB.SYS".  Curiously, GLANCEXL doesn't seem to want to report
anything at all about PIN 1.
Stan Sieler                                          [log in to unmask]