Hi All,
Could anybody help with the following problem ?
I had a little utility to reload a tape and place it on-line from within
a program. It works fine on MPE 4.0 but fails on MPE 5.0.
The source of the utility is:
#pragma intrinsic       HPDEVCONTROL
#define TAPEDEV         7
#define INFO(s)         (s >> 16)
#define SUBS(s)         (s & 0x0000FFFF )
int     status;
char    ldev[200];
        sprintf(ldev, "&%08d&", TAPEDEV);
        HPDEVCONTROL(&status, ldev, 100, 0);
        if ( status )
                printf("HPDEVCONTROL(%d,100)  INFO=%d  SUBS=%d\n",
                        TAPEDEV, INFO(status), SUBS(status));
        HPDEVCONTROL(&status, ldev, 101, 0);
        if ( status )
                printf("HPDEVCONTROL(%d,101)  INFO=%d  SUBS=%d\n",
                        TAPEDEV, INFO(status), SUBS(status));
On MPE 5.0 the HPDEVCONTROL calls both fail with status -18, subsys 143
( "Intrinsic layer; a bounds violation occurred." ).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Chris Breemer
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