Jim Wowchuck writes that I wrote: about Wrt to databases from PCs running
>>However, with MS Access and setting up a mode 1 or similar access in
>>IMAGE/SQL, this is very easy to do.
>Is that now true for detail datasets too?  I thought there was a problem
>with updating using the Jet (Jet/2?) driver for Access and IMAGE details
>data sets - something about unable to define a unique key?
>Jim "seMPEr" Wowchuk           Internet:    [log in to unmask]
Jim is absolutely right on this one.  A 'feature' of MS-Access requires the
table to have a unique key defined in it.  While this works fine for masters
sets (you do have to fool MS-Access with one command), it is not possible for
detail datasets. Up to now. . .  Maybe. . .   At IPROF, I presented a
possible solution to the IMAGE labs, but I have not heard if they where going
to implement it.  I have received a number of calls and e-mail from people
wishing to update detail datasets with Access and I tell them to contact HP
and request it.  I am just a single, inconsequential voice lost in the
greater babble.
On another subject, yesterday a client contacted me and asked how to
implement null items in IMAGE. This is required by their environment which is
attached to other RDBMS's.  I told them that I had brought this issue to the
forefront in a SIGIMAGE newsletter almost 2 years ago, but that no one
listened then.  I did tell him that he could find solace in that it was now
on the list of enhancements. Unfortunately, it is not in the top ten.
I suggest that if people are serious about MS-Access update to IMAGE details
and or null items for IMAGE, they should chime in now.
Kind regards,
Denys. . .