I wasn't going to get into this, but ...
At 12:19 PM 6/26/95 -0400, Chris Bartram wrote:
>Most of the terminals I've seen allow you to set "RETURN=ENTER" but not
>"ENTER=RETURN"... We would also like very much to find a generic way
>around this (for terminal users) as WingSpan doesn't care much for users
>hitting the ENTER key instead of the RETURN key...
>                           -Chris Bartram
>                            3k Associates
MiniSoft92 allows you to define the "keyboard enter" as either enter or
return and the "numeric pad enter", likewise, as either enter or return.
Clifford Williams      ([log in to unmask])
Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists
Where can I get a PD Greek NT _with_ the PD TT font
for it?