Hi All,
I just wanted to let you know that we have some new stuff on jazz:
o Nicole has added a "What's new?" page.
o I have added a directory for collecting command files and UDCs.
o I added my SPOOK command file that supports most of the old SPOOK V
  commands, plus has enhancements such as selecting all spoolfiles older
  than x days.
o I added a UDC named NEWGROUP.  This UDC combines the ONVS= and HOMEVS= into
  a single command.  This is important for managing disk space amoung different
  user volume sets.  A file (acctuvol.pub.sys - can be renamed) contains the
  mapping of account name to volume setname.  By default an AM user cannot
  specify a volume set different from the one targetted to the group's account.
  The SM user can bypass most of the restrictions.  Here is the 1st page:
ANYPARM  parm_list=!['']
comment OPTION   nobreak
comment This UDC is a substitue for the NEWGROUP MPE command. It disallows
comment the ;ONVS= and ;HOMEVS= parameters unless you have SM.  It searches
comment for the account name in the ACCTUVOL.pub.sys file (which should
comment permit READ:any and WRITE:cr) and extracts the designated user
comment volume set that all groups/files under the account must reside on.
comment The format of the file is:
comment    # comments...
comment    acctname1(8 characters) user_volume_set_name1(32 characters)
comment    acctname2               user_volume_set_name2
comment    acctname3               user_volume_set_name3
comment    ...
comment Spaces or tabs must separate the account name from the volset name.
comment There is a one-to-one mapping of account names and volset names.
comment This UDC calls the ACCTVS UDC to see if the group's account name exists
comment in the ACCTUVOL.pub.sys file.
comment There is some customization that is easy to do in this UDC:
comment    _newgroup_vsok - controls how the UDC handles ONVS= and HOMEVS= if
comment                     they are specified by the user.
comment                   TRUE means AM and SM can specify ONVS= and HOMEVS=,
comment                     in which case the ACCTUVOL file is not searched. If
comment                     ONVS/HOMEVS is omitted then the file is searched.
comment                   FALSE (default) means only SM can specify ONVS/HOMEVS
comment                     and thus bypass the file search. If an AM user
comment                     specifies ONVS/HOMEVS it will be deleted from the
comment                     command line and the ACCTUVOL.pub.sys file will be
comment                     searched.
comment    _newgroup_file - the qualified name of the file containing the
comment                     account to volume setname mappings.  Default is
comment                     "ACCTUVOL.PUB.SYS"
Please let me know how it works and also if there are any problems.
Jeff Vance, MPE Lab