Is it just me, or do I detect a lot of animosity towards Unix in the
HP3000 world?
I read so many messages slagging off Unix, that I can't keep myself
from talking about some of the great things you _can_ do with Unix.
Here's one (just one!): NFS
We have an HP9000 and an IBM AIX system. It took about an hour to set
up the NFS configuration, and I can now connect to the HP and use
disks on the IBM completely transparently. It's incredibly easy, and
incredibly fast! And these are machines from two different
manufacturers. You couldn't do this with an HP3000 and an AS/400!
I also use NFS from my PC (via FTP's PCTCP, and no, I don't get any
commission for mentioning it!). I have two drives defined on the HP,
one of which is private to me, the other I can share with other users
on other PC's, and on Unix. Again, very easy to set up, very fast,
incredibly easy to use. The nearest I have seen to this on the HP3000
was portable Netware, and .... least said soonest mended!
Here's another one: Telnet. You'll notice there are quite a few
client-server products for the HP3000 which use WRQ's PtoP software
embedded in the product, to handle communication with the server. We
took the option, on Unix, of using Telnet. This has the huge
advantage of being available on all Unix systems, and being supported
as standard by all the Winsock PC comms packages as well, so it makes
our software very easily portable. Now HP say they are doing Telnet
(and I mean Telnet server, not client, on the HP3000). I'll be
delighted to see it when it comes!
That's all for now.... If this arouses any interest I'll put forward
why I think Unix is wonderful for both the vendors and purchasers of
computer software.
This represents my own opinion entirely, and cannot be taken to
incriminate Proactive Systems, or anyone else.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Knapp
Martin Knapp                             Voice:  (+44)-1689-877-933
Proactive Systems                          FAX:  (+44)-1689-891-475
Central Court                           E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
Knoll Rise
Kent, BR6 0JA
United Kingdom