Ron Seybold writes:
>In article <[log in to unmask]>,
>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>> The editorial below will appear in this week's TIME magazine, whose
>> story this week is Bill Gates. I liked it enough to waste a little
>[Simplistic editorial, ceding total control of computers
>to Gates, snipped]
>Leave it to Time to sound-bite our industry. I love the part
>in the editorial about how monopolies are good: the phone
>system worked better when AT&T was the only game in town...
>Give us less of Gates. He won't make computers easier to use
>unless it fills his overstuffed billfold. He certainly hasn't yet.
I'm sure he was kidding, Ron. It's a trick editorial writers use sometimes
just to get you stirred up :-)
Wirt Atmar