Ben Agee wrote:
"The company that I work for wants to explore the possibility of writing
software with a Windows front-end that reads and writes data from/to the
HP-3000 Image/SQL databases.  We currently have many databases on the
HP-3000 in Image and completely switching from Image is not an option. =
anyone recommend PC Windows based development tools that are worth
investigating?  Thanks for any information."
Here are some thoughts, for what they're worth (FWTW?) :-)
You first need to categorize the kind of development you want to do. I =
suggest some categories:
1) Use a high-level development tool (effectively a 4GL on PC). You could=
at Powerbuilder (this seems quite popular), or perhaps Gupta SQL Windows.=
with any 4GL, the disadvantage is probably going to be cost (ie may not =
be easy
to justify with a pilot project)
2) Use a lower level language (more akin to a 3GL). You might investigate=
Microsoft's Visual Basic, or even Visual C++ if you feel really brave =
:-). Very
low cost to get started, but may become unwieldy if you have a big projec=
3) Use a PC database or spreadsheet with ODBC connectivity (eg MS-Access,=
Paradox perhaps). You can get pretty sophisticated applications going =
days, just by using a spreadsheet. And of course, this is a fairly cheap =
way to
get started.
4) Personally, and IMHO, I wouldn't try to write your own server on the =
It would involve you in a lot of complication, and apart from HP I know =
of two
other companies who currently have products to do this. Why reinvent the =
is my motto!
I emphasize that I'm not endorsing any of the products I've mentioned, =
just intended as generic examples.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Knapp
Any opinions expressed herein are my own, and should not be used to
incriminate my employer or anybody else: living, deceased, or imaginary.
Martin Knapp                             Voice:  (+44)-1689-877-933
Proactive Systems                          FAX:  (+44)-1689-891-475
Central Court                           E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
Knoll Rise
Kent, BR6 0JA
United Kingdom