Jon Dunlop wrote:
> Having read through the recent "discussion" initiated by Mr Verona about the
> _merits_ in moving from MPE to UN*X, I am disappointed that people on this list
> (myself included) rise to the obvious bait and merely grant Mr Verona more
> bandwidth to flagrantly market his company. Having read an earlier thread
> initiated by Mr Verona, which had the same tone and got the slagging it
> deserved, I had hoped that 1. Mr Verona would now appreciate that his marketing
> tactics are misplaced and not welcome and 2. He would respect that the people
> on this list are not interested and do his marketing elsewhere.
> ---Off Soap Box ---
First, I am not too excited about Mr. Verona's posts either.  However, I
do believe there are some on this list who are interested in receiving
information on UNIX.  Unforunately Mr. Verona's posts scratch the hair on
our backs in the wrong direction.  This could be purposefully, or by
accident.  Since we don't know Mr. Verona, we can't 'put a face behind
the posts'.  Often in e-mail, it is easy to offend the readers without
realizing it.  When we are accused of being offensive, most of respond
more offensively.  So... Maybe we can start over with Mr. Verona.
Hello, Mr. Verona.  We realize you offer a service that may be very
helpful, knowledgeable and necessary.  We enjoy having many technical
answers to our questions, even though it may not be the answer we are
looking for.  If our negative responses from your original post caused
offense, then we apologize.  When we have questions and issues that can
be addressed by you, we welcome your response.  One way we might be able
to 'have faith' in the answer is by you, possibly, telling us a little
about your background.  I think we know your company, but because of the
rough start, knowing you a little better would help.
Look forward to knowing more about you.
Larry Boyd    <[log in to unmask]>