CSY is writing a White Paper on how the 3000 Coexists with Unix.  The target
audience is customers that have 3000s and have included unix as a strategic
operating system. One of the chapters is Systems Management, where we discuss
OpenView's OperationsCenter (OpC) product (and we reference some 3rd party
products).  But that's it...and obviously there is more to managing a mix of
3000 and Unixs than using OpC.
We mention OpC because it provides a central view of different operating
systems, and this can help lower IT costs, reduce training time and increase
effectiveness of the operations/help desk staff.
But ,I think that most shops that run both 3000s and, say, 9000s aren't using
OpC. Do you just maintain completely separate views of the two platforms?  Do
you have 2 staff teams -- one for hp-ux and one for MPE?  Or, one team that
know the quirks of both platforms?  Have you written your own tools to better
integrate the management of the two platforms?  Are there other 3rd party
solutions that help you manage both platforms?
If you can share your thoughts on this topic I will be able to provide a more
accurate, real-life chapter that will better help the readers of this White
Paper.  All replies will be kept confidentail unless you state otherwise.
We hope to make this paper available on jazz soon.
Thank you,
Jeff Vance, MPE Lab
p.s.  I apologize if you get this posting twice.
Jeff Vance