Jeff writes:
> I'd like to try and make the porting and software distribution procedures
> a bit more "formal".
> As a result, we have "the real things" and "the
> jazz things".
> * Even on MPE, several people have "tweaked" the jazz version; for example
>   Stan's background launcher and enhanced logging switches.  I have heard
Actually, my background launcher is completely independent of httpd source's HP3000 specific C source code that does a CREATEPROCESS
of httpd.
I did add a "-c" to httpd, for logging transfers to the system console
(via PRINTOP), but that's pretty minor ... but, it should be
integrated into the "real" httpd, particularly since Unix has the
concept of "print to console" as well.  (We might have to have an MPE
specific section that does PRINTOP instead of the actual Unix console,
since Unix console output is done by opening /dev/console .. or, wait,
wouldn't it be neat if MPE/ix 5.0 POSIX implemented /dev/console as
implicit PRINTOPs?  Steve? Craig?)