Hi Jon,
Currently, the only way to do this is in Debug.  Since 4.0 isn't aware of
this field at all, there's nothing on 4.0 which will allow you to format
this field to see its value.
The field that 4.5/5.0 use to hold the GID value is at offset $134 in a
file's label (in case you don't know, '$' designates a hex value), and
it's $10 (#16) bytes in length.  So, to see if a file's label contains a
non-zero GID, you'd do the following while logged on as an SM and PM user:
1.  Get into Debug.
2.  Issue a :LISTFILE,-3 command for any file for which you want to check
    a GID value; e.g.
$1 ($2c) nmdebug > :LISTFILE CATALOG.PUB.SYS,-3
BLK FACTOR: 16                  CREATOR : MANAGER
REC SIZE: 80(BYTES)             LOCKWORD:
BLK SIZE: 1280(BYTES)           SECURITY--READ    : ANY
EXT SIZE: 0(SECT)                         WRITE   : ANY
NUM REC: 13542                            APPEND  : ANY
NUM SEC: 4240                             LOCK    : ANY
NUM EXT: 17                               EXECUTE : ANY
MAX REC: 13542                          **SECURITY IS ON
                                FLAGS   : 1 ACCESSORS,SHARED,1 R
NUM LABELS: 1                   CREATED : TUE, MAY 16, 1995, 12:15 PM
MAX LABELS: 1                   MODIFIED: TUE, MAY 16, 1995, 12:16 PM
DISC DEV #: 1                   ACCESSED: TUE, MAY 16, 1995, 12:16 PM
SEC OFFSET: 256                 LABEL ADDR: $00000011 $00014120
3.  Take the value shown in the "LABEL ADDR" field and display the $10 bytes
    beginning at offset $134; e.g.
$2 ($2c) nmdebug > dv 11.14120+134,10/4,b
VIRT $11.14254    $ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  .... .... .... ....
                    ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^  GID = 0
    vs. (different file, w/non-zero GID)
$4 ($2c) nmdebug > dv 11.50420+134,10/4,b
VIRT $11.50554    $ 54454c45 53555020 20202020 20202020  TELE SUP
                    ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^  GID =
                                                         "TELESUP         "
Hope this helps.  I know it's not very elegant, and is time-consuming.  I
believe we'll be able to provide a program/macro which customers can run
on a 4.0 system to report (and maybe reset) non-zero GID values.  I'll
post something if/when such a tool becomes available.