Jeff Kell wrote after Brad Ahlf after bunch of other stuff:
>[Brad Ahlf's notes about HP-UX C++ and CFRONT snipped, except for:]
>>  ... contains everything you would
>>expect in a cfront-based implementation plus lots of stuff
>>to make it better on HP-UX including HP compile-line options,
>>library support and include file support, symbolic debug
>>extensions and more to make it a better product ...
>Now that brings up a good point that might be thrown into the Ken's
>C++ final survey (Ken, do you work for Microsoft?  Is this Survey95?).
Well, it may be survey in limbo until I confirm that the
email address I heard Interex tell me to use really works.
So as before, if any of y'all are still having problems, send
survey to me if you want, and I will bulk forward to Interex
when address problems get straightened out (it may
already be fixed;  I've got no time to check right now).
>I would find symbolic debug support (xdb) more than welcome, above and
>beyond some of the other things in the survey (KSAM/Image objects, for
More good ideas;  especially as you suggest sym debug
support.  But I sort of hesitate to try and put out still
another revision of the survey (even if I had time right
now);  afraid people will come down with survey
aversion syndrome.  So for now I will try a compromise
suggestion:  If you have other specifics like the above,
put them in the last item in the survey:
"10)   Additional comments/concerns on this subject:"
HP has in fact said they will look closely at # 10 for
suggestions on other required features.  Jeff, if you feel
like adding some specific words to yours, send me a
paragraph 10 and I will paste in, or just send the whole
thing with updated para 10, and I will forward your rev.
BTW, now that we all know that HP-UX  C++ is in fact an
adaptation of ATT CFRONT, will have some more to say
on that subject later.  But can't do it now.  Will just add
that I also got independent confirmation from a different
source inside HP that said (and I quote exactly):
"HP-UX  C++ is, in fact, derived from ATT CFRONT v3.0."
Ken Sletten
"Waiting on Interex Address++"    ;-)