On Thu, 18 May 1995, Marvin Barnes wrote:
> I cannot get the print function to work from PINE on the UNIX box.  The
> Internet provider makes PINE available on the 9000 and it calls for an
> ANSI printer.  Any ideas how to configure Reflections 4.0 for Windows to
> allow me to print my messages?  I dial in for service on a 14.4
> Robotics.  Maybe I shuld be using another emulation/package to access the
> Internet??
I use Windows terminal and save Reflections for accessing HP 300's.
I then use the "Y" command to print.  Don't know if this will work
on your system, but you miht try the "Y" command, Marv.
> Marvin Barnes                       EMail [log in to unmask]
> 3240 Addison Avenue East            Telephone: 208.733.7307
> P.O. Box U                          FAX: 208.733.7309
> Twin Falls, ID 83303-0446