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Subject: "make"ing MPE programmers Posix portable :-)
Author:  Eric Schubert <[log in to unmask]> at HMS-Internet
Date:    5/19/95 9:03 AM
After reading books on Posix programming - browsing Shell and Utilities
guides and make books - my head aches.
There is one overall lacking feature in all these books (that I learned in
marketing 101):
  "Customer will retain squat unless related to something familiar."
I would like to start a two column thread - MPE on one side - Posix on the
other.  The idea is to list a well known MPE command or function and map
that into the Posix equivalent.
OK, lets start simple - common everyday things.  This could get quite large
but it would be useful for first timers (probably need combinations of shell
commands to equivalent most MPE commands).
 MPE:                                SH.HPBIN.SYS -L (POSIX):
-----                                ------
CHGROUP pub                          cd ../PUB
SHOWME                               pwd, who, ???
COPY filea,fileb  (filea is FILEA)   cp FILEA FILEB  (filea _is_not_ FILEA)
EDIT                                 vi
SHOWJOB                              who
PRINT                                more
LISTF @                              ls -lsa
LISTF @.@                            ls -R
ECHO                                 print, echo
FILE                                 ???
BUILD                                ???
REDO                                 r
     SHOWME                             whoami or who am i
Ok, my watch says 5:00pm - anybody please feel free to add your favorites
(you're right - I'm starting a group effort here).  Lets not get into
subsystems like vi for now (chapters).
Any pointers to other sources along these lines very welcome!
Eric J. Schubert                 Administrative Information Services
Senior Data Base Analyst         University of Notre Dame, IN USA
Email:            [log in to unmask]
Phone:            (219) 631-7306
World Wide Web:   http://www.nd.edu/~eschuber