> Donna Garverick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >(you can all start laughing...) i need the pin outs to *physically* con-
> >nect a terminal (2392/hp150 <- omigod!!) to my system.  i can't believe
> >it....  desperately wanting to enter the 20th century   - d
> Since no one seemed to actually provide the answer try:
>         pin 2 --> pin 3
>         pin 3 --> pin 2
>         pin 7 --> pin 7
> This is for a direct connect.  The one thing I can't remember is whether
> the pin2/3 swap is necessary on these devices.  This will not support
> a modem connection, but will support DTCs and older ATPs and ADCCs.
> BTW, this was by memory, and I expect Bruce or Ross to correct what
> might be wrong.
I think the problem was that we were waiting for him to tell us what sort
of HP 3000 box he was connecting to.  For a Series III or early Classic
or DTC with a modem connection, you're absolutely right.  For a DTC with
3-wire connection, there ain't no pin 7.  I think pin 1 is used instead.
In any case, no crossover is required.  Ross gave me a good quote on
this: "The HP 3000 is wired as if it were a modem."
         /\--.      John A. Beckett             "It is Satan's work to
        /  \  )     Southern College of SDA      discourage the soul;
       /----\---.   (615) 238-2701 voice         it is Christ's work
  \   /      \   \  238-2431 FAX                 to inspire with
   `-'        `--'  [log in to unmask]        faith and hope." DA249