>"Bryan O'Halloran" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I am about to try and test my disaster recovery plan.  I seem to have
>most things under control with one great exception.  We wish to put a
>portion of our files on the discs at the recovery site but after the
>test we wish to leave no trace of data behind.
>What is the quickest way of destroying the data on discs?  Is VOLUTIL or
>the various disc diagnostics running under SYSDIAG faster or this there
>a faster alternative?
>I am not sure of the model of the discs at the Disaster Recovery Site
>but I guess that they will be the 2 gb SCSI discs.
>Many thanks
>... Bryan O'Halloran
>~~~ Blue Wave/RA v2.05 [NR]
If you would like to blast your data away using SYSDIAG make sure you boot
from your offline diag tape and load SYSDIAG from tape into the hp-ux
diagnostic shell.  Also make sure you use a rev 3138 or earlier tape as more
current tapes may be password protected.  Don't forget that you will use the
PDEV=X.Y.Z commands in SYSDIAG since offline diags don't understand LDEV's.
If you try to remove your data on-line using SYSDIAG you will encounter a
message telling you that you have to first have "distructive mode
capabilites".  With the use of a special boot-up command string you can do
Write diags to ldevs 2 or higher, however no matter what you do on-line you
cannot touch ldev 1, that is why I suggest you boot your offline diags if
you go the SYSDIAG route.
Good Luck!
Tom Pintacsi
The Happy CE :-)
Ideal Computer Services
Tom Pintacsi
The Happy CE :-)
Ideal Computer Services