Two related questions for the assembled technophiles:
1) Has anyone noticed an marked increase in disc I/Os by
   Memory Manager under 5.0?
2) Has anyone noticed that when you ask HP any question
   that remotely pertains to how their systems perform,
   that they immediately want to gig you for consulting
Heres the issue:  Weve taken a number of system to 5.0.
One system has had (a) no hardware changes, (b) no
application software changes, (c) no change in transaction
volume, (d) no changes in configuration or file placement.
This systems also (e) logs data to a small set of files
and thus there is an amazingly high data page residency
Oh.  BTW, disc I/Os for memory manager doubled after the
update.  For this machine, where disc I/Os are typically
low, its not really a problem.  But our 995, which is I/O
bound to begin with, will likely not react well to the
increased load.  I interested in any insights anyone might
have as to the changes to memory management that would
double the I/O rate.  Since this machine relies heavily on
message files (that went native in 5.0), I am tempted to
target them as suspects, though I would expect a decrease
in I/Os, not the reverse.
Also, an amusing aside.  When I asked PICS the same
question I am asking here, their reply included not only
the borderline arrogant demand for consulting dollars, but
the explanation that 5.0 was a bigger operating system.
Ahhhh.  Detailed technical insights like that cannot be
beat, though they should be.
Guy Smith                                Voice:  804-527-4000 ext 6664
Circuit City Stores, Inc.                  FAX:  804-527-4008
9950 Mayland Drive                      E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
Richmond, VA 23233-1464         Private E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
The thoughts expressed herein are mine and do not reflect those of my
employer, or anyone with common sense.