>John Cade (JWCADE @ SBCSS.K12.CA.US) suggested:
>>- Callable routines to be able to extend the FUNCTIONS in Allbase.  For
>>example, C code to perform some very nasty calculations, then return the
>>result to Allbase.  Also, possibly access to the system intrinsics as
>>part of the script language.
>Why just C?  How about any language which has Allbase support?  The
Our ODBCLink software provides extensions within the ODBC framework that
allows a client (who is capable of making calls to a DLL) to call procedures
on the server (such as INTRINSICS and user supplied XL procedures) to
perform functions beyond the scope of ODBC.  This allows the communications
to ride on our core communications path rather than the client having to
manage that themselves.
for more information call : 1-800-ANSWERS
Brian Duncombe ([log in to unmask]) - M.B. Foster Software Labs