>Anyone else been stung by the odd-handling of 'U' fields in Image databases?
>Seems if you Dbput a buffer with 'U' fields in it, the data gets put into
>the database in the case (upper/lower) which it appears in your buffer. When
>you Dbget it back however, your buffer presents you with uppercase data.
>Perhaps that wouldn't be so bad, except that if the field is also a search
>field, Dbfind using the upshifted data fails...
>What fun...
>Chris Bartram
Are you sure about this?
I've been working with image for many years now and I *never* ran into it.
I have seen many cases where the data stored in image fields did NOT
conform to the image data type.  I do not think that image does ANY type of
data validation at 'DBPUT' time nor any type of conversion at 'DBGET' time.
There are tools, however, (Query is one of them) that will determine the
data type of an image item and force the input to conform to it.
Paul H. Christidis
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|      /   )/   ) Paul H. Christidis    | "I am not young enough to   |
|     /----/      Hughes Aircraft Co.   |  know everything"           |
|    /    /       (310) 513-5808        |  --J. M. Barrie             |
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