Brian Duncombe <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Question: (before I take a few hours and re-install)
> I installed the C.50.02 Powerpatch per instructions (IMHO) but after the
> fact, my system still shows C.50.00 with a "showme".
> Is that normal, or, as I assume, should it show C.50.02
> Brian Duncombe  [log in to unmask]
The answer is .........  it's normal.
Your "base OS" is C.50.00 (the 5.0 Push), and that is what :SHOWME
reports.  The C.50.02 Powerpatch is a collection of patches installed
on top of your "base OS".  To review the Powerpatches installed on
your system, read the file HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS.
Sorry for the confusion.
Jon Cohen
Release Manager
Commercial Systems Division
Hewlett Packard