HP3000 users/vendors/managers;
  Now available; an on-line (www) listing of all HP3000 vendors and
products. The listing can be searched by vendor name or product name, and
contains all vendor contact info.
  The listing is still under construction (being assembled by Brian Duncombe
<[log in to unmask]>) and suggestions are welcome. (the product listing has
only been just begun but it's getting there - we hope it will prove useful
to the community at large).
  The listing is referenced on our home page (http://www.3k.com).
                                      -Chris Bartram
  Chris Bartram        Sales (US):   800 Net-Mail    Fax:+1 916 622-0738
   ______              -or-       +1 916 622-0630 E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
  /__ |  \__________   Sales (Europe):+44(0480)414131 Fax:+44(0480)414134
 /  / | / ________     Sales (Pacific Rim):+61 3 489 8216 (same for fax)
|  /_ |<  ______       Tech Support:+1 703 569-9189  Fax:+1 703 451-3720
 \ __)| \ ___          E-mail: [log in to unmask]   Personal(me): [log in to unmask]
  \______/ Associates  6901 Old Keene Mill Rd Suite 205 Springfield VA 22150
Gopher: gopher.3k.com   Anon-FTP: ftp.3k.com  WWW: http://www.3k.com/