I'd like to get direct email addresses for all readers
of hp3000-L that still have some interest in any of the
RAPID products (Transact, Dictionary, and Inform).
This would help the SIGRAPID executive committee
in getting additional feedback for on-going discussions
with the HP Transact lab;  i.e.:  a continuous IPROF,
Since there were so few RAPID users that were able
to make it to IPROF, we really need to identify some
more active sites.  Remember that the last big survey
and SIGRAPID mailing sent out to all RAPID users by
HP was one of the standard "blind drop" jobs, so we
SIGRAPID does not necessarily know who responded.
Plus if we get into an extensive and extended RAPID
discussion, the majority of readers on hp3000-L would
perhaps not care to get all of the messages that are
probably of interest only to RAPID users (although
expect we will still post some messages to the entire
Anyway, if you send your email address to me at my
private address (see below), at least for now I will
volunteer to maintain a semi-automatic SIGRAPID
listserv function, and will post back to all members any
email sent to my personal address that starts with
"SIGRAPID ", followed by whatever.
For ex. com -->  Bob, Nick, Carolyn:  Obviously I've
got your addresses.  Cecile, are you on the net yet ??
Ken Sletten     360-396-2525
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