In <[log in to unmask]> Jim Wowchuk <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Rick Ehrhart ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
> > tar is available on MPE 5.0 with the POSIX shell.  You can tar to your
> > hearts content between the 3000 and 9000.
> Is it correct that tar, like nfs, has no understanding of MPE-specific file
> attributes (in particular the file label and user labels) and thus is not a
> valid means for storing & restoring files between HP3000s?
> Can tar be extended to support these MPE file structures?
> "Why?", you ask.  For one thing, it would be nice to tar, gzip, uuencode and
> email (but do not fold, spindle or mutilate :).  Even HP's FTP does not
> currently support sending a file's user labels, does it?
> Does that leave DSCOPY and Quest's NBCOPY as the only commercial tools to
> support full 3000 to 3000 file transfer.  Oh and I guess Reflection's
> Labeled file transfer format, if you want to do a Canadian Two-Step. :)
On two HP3000's that I have access to, FTP transfers files (including user
labels) just fine.
ftp> put scrtflib.source
200 PORT command ok.
150 File: SCRTFLIB.SOURCE;REC=-80,64,F,ASCII;DISC=3496,2;CODE=555 opened;
    data connection will be opened
226 Transfer complete.
288464 bytes sent in 11.18 seconds (25.20 Kbytes/sec)
Looking at the file on the other side I'm able to 'view' the user labels.
Paul H. Christidis
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