> It's quite possible that the COBOL program is passing bad data (or
> more data than it was designed to handle) to the Pascal routine.
Almost every time I've seen this (assuming the SL procedure has
been more or less debugged), it comes from a procedure that expects
a character string parameter by reference and a length parameter
by value. COBOL, however, likes to pass everything by reference,
so unless you explicitly pass the length parameter by value (by
enclosing it in back-slashes in COBOLII), COBOL passes it's address
(which rarely turns out to also be the length). Another thing to
look out for is the Pascal procedure expecting a byte-address
instead of a word-address (COBOL likes to pass everything as
word-addresses). This, however, generally seems to cause a bounds
violation instead of a subscript range violation.
Raymond Kingsbury                       [log in to unmask]
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
College of the Redwoods - Data Processing          Voice: (707) 445-6778
Eureka, CA. 95501                                  Fax:   (707) 445-6990