I'm trying to develop a method of capturing the current settings in an HP
LaserJet, making modifications to print a report, then resetting the
printer to the way it was before the report printed.  In our environment,
we print reports with forms and fonts loaded into memory in our laser
printers.  Operators load fonts and forms in the morning and use them for
a specific type of report all day.  Occasionally, a different report comes
through on the laser printer which changes the form and fonts currently
I have developed a method, using escape sequences, whereby these
"intermittent" reports disable any current form but leave it in memory,
select a default font, pitch, point, etc., and print.  At the end of these
reports, I re-enable the form in memory.  Our reports all select the font
they need, but some rely on the active pitch, point, and other settings.
If these are different than those used on the "intermittent" reports, they
don't print correctly.
The solution would be a way to capture the current font, pitch, point,
etc. before changing it, then resetting it after the intermitten report
finishes printing.  Unfortunately, I can't find a way to capture all that
Any ideas?  Questions?  Post or send e-mail.  I'll summarize responses.
Jim Fennell
email: [log in to unmask]
The opinions expressed are my own,
et cetera, et cetera, and so on . . .