We are looking for software to support the CES (Card Establishment
Services) protocol on our HP 3000.
The HP needs to answer a modem, and act like a bank for cash registers
which handle credit cards.  The reason we need to use the CES protocol is
that CES is what is implemented on the cash registers.  They are currently
using them for VISA/MC, and would like also to use our internal credit
The modem designated for this may be dedicated to the CES process.
I would appreciate leads to software which can handle this requirement.
Thanks in advance.
         /\--.      John A. Beckett             "It is Satan's work to
        /  \  )     Southern College of SDA      discourage the soul;
       /----\---.   (615) 238-2701 voice         it is Christ's work
  \   /      \   \  238-2431 FAX                 to inspire with
   `-'        `--'  [log in to unmask]        faith and hope." DA249