Greg Rice <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Am I using my quota of Image/Sql questions or what? Here's the problem
>when I change the user mode to mode 1 from 5 and try to do any select
>I get a turbo Image error -242. I can't find this error anywhere, the
>response center sent a patch which we have since installed, but didn't
>fix the problem. If I change the mode back to 1 everything works fine,
>but of course I need to do updates. Anyone else have these experiences.
I assume you're making the changes in the IMAGESQL utility?
When you change the mode from 1 to 5, do you also change the password?
When you attempt the select with the user in mode 5 are you attempting to
select on the tables created for the mode 1 user or the mode 5 user?
Good Luck!
 -- Evan