Yes, we gave it a try.  It found our networking and SMTP stuff, and put out
lots of strange messages on the 968's console, but didn't report any
problems.  I thought it was interesting that it worked at all!
>>> Mike Belshe <[log in to unmask]> 04/09/95 01:40pm >>>
Anyone else try running SATAN against MPE yet?  I ran it this morning and it
loks harmless.  Its attempting to take advantage of old unix bugs which
don't affect MPE.  It found no problems against several MPE machines I ran
it against.
I don't have a version of sendmail to test against, and it potentially could
find some bugs there.  It also might find bugs if run against Quest's
NFS, but I don't have a copy to test.
Mike Belshe [log in to unmask]
HP CSY Networking Lab