In article <[log in to unmask]> Jonell Moreno
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>From: Jonell Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT:HP LaserRX release C.00.00 now available
>Date: 7 Apr 1995 18:25:25 GMT
>HP LaserRX release C.00.00 is now available.
[snip all the crass commercialism]
If you wanna advertise, BUY A BLOODY AD!  You have a Web site, USE
IT!  DON'T bring  your commercial crap here and suck up *my* bandwidth!
My opinion, only.  Not necessarily that of my employer.
Robert Apgood       |      "Time flies like an arrow...
[log in to unmask]    |       Fruit flies like a banana..."
     or             |
[log in to unmask]      | Voice: 206-784-7005  Seattle, WA