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      To : JOHN DUNLOP
Jeff Quade ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: We're installing 5.0 of MPE/iX. In reviewing the "backdate" process,
: it appears that if you want to back off of 5.0, you must reinstall
: 4.0. Is there no simpler way, like renaming files and rebooting? Or
: rebooting from a different LDEV? We are a bunch of IBM Mainframe support
: personnel who've been given an HP 3000 to support and we don't have a
: firm grasp on MPE yet. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
#Steve Elmer Software Engineer - HP - CSY wrote :
#There is no "simpler" way to backdate.  The backdate instructions exist to
#assist you in accomplishing a backdate should it become necessary.  It is
#not really a recommended operation.
#The reason the backdate process is necessary is that the update from 4.0
#to 5.0 made some significant changes to your system.  Simply purging a few
#files will definitely _not_ allow you to run 4.0 again.  If you attempt
#this, you can expect to have serious problems on your "4.0" system and
#may even end up requiring a reload.
I  endorse this. I built a 'dual-boot' system which had two sets of separate
system volume
set disks , either of which could _only_ be accessed at system boot time.
The 5.0 install went fine , the user volume sets containing my data were brought
on-line without any problems.
I shutdown the system and booted from my 4.0 system volume set and the system
failed as it tried to mount the user volume sets. This was because the 5.0
had converted various control data structures (e.g. VSIT, TXM logs etc) to a
format which
is not backward compatible with 4.0 and it had not told me of this. My solution
was to
reboot the 4.0 disks with the private volumes (old MPE V terminology dies hard)
switched off. When MPE/iX 4.0 came up I powered up the 'converted' PV's and
each volume!
#If you think the backdate process is too onerous, you haven't had to do
#a reload recently...
This statement is being economical with the truth ; to go backwards from 5.0 to
you must re-install MPE and AL your data ( in my case 200Gb on the Dev
#Please, please follow the backdate process if you must backdate!
You have been warned,
Tony Rendell
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