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hp3000-l @ utcvm.utc.edu
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I have set up Galcon on a standalone HP3k 922 to monitor three HP3k 992s and to
filter all the console messages so that the relevant ones can be channelled to
a separate Console display. This works fine except when a job on one of the
systems decides to flood the console with hundreds of TELLOPs (or PRINTOPs)
e.g. if a database load program has a 3000 line input data file which causes a
failure for each record and produces a 6 line message on the console for each
failure ! When this happens, Galcon's parseing routine seems to get snowed and
the monitoring suffers from severe delays. What I am looking for is a way to
allow only selected messages to get through to Galcon, e.g. like a system UDC
for TELLOP although this will not work for PRINTOPs. I understand that the
correct answer is to modify the offending jobs to not send "the flood" but that
is a non-trivial task although it is the eventual goal.
I cannot switch the console away from ldev 20 because of the messages that _do_
need to be monitored and Galcon can only monitor Ldev 20. Does anyone have any
bright ideas ?
John Dunlop ([log in to unmask])