Kyle Parrish <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I don't have an application yet!  :-)  Though, yes, I would hope to be able
>to utilize ODBC rather than RPC or other internals I don't know anything
>Here is my plan.  A professor links to my Web site.  Uses a login screen
>to get access to another screen.  This screen allows him/her to run
>reports, with the data coming back to his/her screen.
>Now, here are the three possible ways I see to do this, but I don't
>understand what each would require, so I am putting it out here for input.
>   1)  PC based Web server.  Could I use Powerbuilder, or some other
>ODBC compliant application to perform my calls to Image?
I recently got a copy of a hppt server for windows that has now been
picked up by O'riley, I believe. This system allows you to write
scripts in visual basic; and given the link between vb and odbc,
and the low cost of a pc as a http server; and the kind of network
links you can get between pc's running windows and remote hosts;
I'd think a pc might be the easiest and quickest answer.
The original author was asking $99 for commercial use of his server;
give O'Riley a call (in the sf bay area - emeryville, maybe?) and
see if they have a release date.