Jeff Quade ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: We're installing 5.0 of MPE/iX. In reviewing the "backdate" process,
: it appears that if you want to back off of 5.0, you must reinstall
: 4.0. Is there no simpler way, like renaming files and rebooting? Or
: rebooting from a different LDEV? We are a bunch of IBM Mainframe support
: personnel who've been given an HP 3000 to support and we don't have a
: firm grasp on MPE yet. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
There is no "simpler" way to backdate.  The backdate instructions exist to
assist you in accomplishing a backdate should it become necessary.  It is
not really a recommended operation.
The reason the backdate process is necessary is that the update from 4.0
to 5.0 made some significant changes to your system.  Simply purging a few
files will definitely _not_ allow you to run 4.0 again.  If you attempt
this, you can expect to have serious problems on your "4.0" system and
may even end up requiring a reload.
If you think the backdate process is too onerous, you haven't had to do
a reload recently...
Please, please follow the backdate process if you must backdate!
Steve Elmer
Software Engineer
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