While in QEDIT, I thought I'd see how the Posix tail program worked
with the '-f' option.  I entered:
        /:tail.hpbin.sys "-f ./FILE"
tail dutifully displayed the last 10 lines and stopped, waiting for
more records from ./FILE.  I then typed control-Y and got an END OF
PROGRAM message - because QEDIT terminated, not just tail.
This isn't a QEDIT problem - I get the same result occurs when running
tail from Edit/3000 and even through multiple CREATEPROCESSes.  They
all unravel back to the CI.
We're just up on C.50.00 and I hadn't tried this on an earlier
Feature?  Bug?
Randy Medd                           email: [log in to unmask]
Telamon, Inc.
492 Ninth Street, Suite 310          voice: 510-987-7700
Oakland, CA 94607                      fax: 510-987-7009