On MPE-V, I contributed a program to the CSL called "JCLGOTO", which
provided labeled "GOTO" capabilitity for batch jobs.  Essentially the
user would be able to skip *forward* or *backwards* to specific statements
within the JCL during execution by specifying enough of the statment
to uniquely identify it.  If multiple statements matching the target
existed, the first one encountered in a 'forward' direction was the
one used.  If the target was not found, the branch did not take place
and job sinply continued with the next statement following the 'goto'.
Yes, indeed it was possible to place a batch job in an infinite loop...
Several years ago I figured-out a technique that would allow me to port
this utility to MPE/iX.  Unfortunately time to do this sort of work just
hasn't been available.  If anyone is really interested, I might try and
work this, depending upon where HP's priorities land in terms of working
this issue.
Any comments?
-- Jerry