>Does anyone know the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for
>Eagle(7937) drives. I lost a system drive Feb 18 and lost another one
>last tuesday. A year ago I lost two on the same day. I have nine
>Eagles and three old 7933s that just keep shaking along without any
>problems. I don't if I should feel good or bad about being able
>to install and reinit the system with a single reference to the System
>Manager books. (It is a warm feeling to recover from a crash during
>production without losing any data).
   Hmm...I think it's about 40,000 hrs. (high?) We had one commit suicide
last summer and decided it was time to have the rest retired (Didn't even
bother sparing the bad sectors). The SCSI-2's that replaced them are
350,000+ hr. MTBF drives (about 39 yrs.(!)) and are about 1000% faster. Its
the way to go. Besides, then you wont have to help the HP techs with the
"crane." Good recovery skills, though. :-)
I understand the fast-wide's are getting on to 500,000 hr MTBF. I'm jealous.
             John Clark
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