Chris wrote:
>We're looking at Facade from Performance Software Group.  703 471-0076.  It
>does the same thing (let's you edit HP files on a PC) but is much more
>and polished.  We have a late beta and haven't done a lot of testing, but
>seems to work fine.  They haven't quoted a "real" price yet, but their
>preliminary pricing was much closer to mainframe prices than PC prices.
We don't have Facade (at least not yet), but did get a fairly
in-depth demo at the PSG booth in Denver.  Was impressed
with Facade's features and attention to detail;  looked like they
did a good job......
Will also note that before HP came out with NM Transact/iX,
we ran PSG's CM FASTRAN product successfully for years;
we always got great support from their technical staff...  Could
actually call them up and get to talk directly to the programmers
if you had a question or problem.......  The good old days.........
.........  In fairness to HP suppose it could be said that this
discussion group serves as a way to talk to programmers
at the HP Labs;  at least the ones who lurk on 3000-L.....
Ken Sletten