At 07:39 PM 28/3/95 -0800, Paul Taffel wrote:
>The bottom line is that applications are expected to arm the appropriate
>Posix signal handlers for the SIGINT signal (which is what's generated
>when a Posix application sees <Control-Y>), and that there's nothing
>anyone can do (at least under MPE/iX 5.0) to prevent the SIGINT from
>propagating to all processes in the process tree.
>It seemed ridiculous to me that all process-handling applications should
>have to add SIGINT handlers to work-around this 'feature', but it also
>seems that there's no easy way for SIGINT to have been implemented in a
>Posix-compliant manner without having this side-effect.
My thoughts when I first saw this complaint were that it sounds like
standard Unix operating behaviour: propagate all signals to parent
processes; when in doubt (ie not trapped), then abort.
Guess we are obliged to take the bad with the good, but I'd have expected
better from MPE.
Jim "seMPEr" Wowchuk           Internet:    [log in to unmask]
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