Three follow-on items to SIGMPE enhancement list that
Tony posted, and that Interex sent out hardcopy of:
1.    The latest hardcopy Interex mailing still has missing
words at start of short descriptions for following 7 SIG
ID's (but descriptions in email Tony posted are correct):
95C01,  95C06,  95M07,  95M08,  95M10,  95M14,  95M15.
2.    On 95C12 (add restricted CI for anonymous FTP), as
at least part of solution to this problem how about a new
parameter for NEWUSER and ALTUSER  CAPability list:
RA (restricted access).  Effect if applied to user would be:
(a)    Confine user to HOME group (disable CHGROUP,
         CWD, and maybe other stuff I won't try and think of).
(b)    Allow R,W,A,L,X,S as defined just for user's HOME
         group, and do not allow any access (even READ) to
         any files or directories outside of user HOME group,
         regardless of  ;ACCESS=  for other groups/accounts.
3.    On 95M07 (provide info on who is accessing via net),
whatever is done in this area should be done in such a way
that one end result is a new screen command in GLANCE:
"N" (network), where we could get as much detail as
possible on network connections.  Note also that Chris
Bartram had some good ideas in his post of 23 March......
Ken Sletten